A Reputable Gynecology Clinic at Your Service

At Fort Myers Gynecology, we are dedicated to providing high-quality reproductive healthcare solutions for women of all ages in Fort Myers and its surrounding areas. We offer a variety of gynecological services that can help address your specific concerns.

Meet the Brilliant Woman Behind Fort Myers Gynecology

Claudia Rodriguez is currently in charge of our gynecology clinic. With more than 15 years of handling women's sexual healthcare needs, she uses her knowledge to help us improve our consulting and treatment solutions and enhance our customer service.

Dr. Claudia Rodriguez is a board certified OBGYN physician, graduate from Mount Sinai Hospital in Chicago, in 2007. Dr Rodriguez, who has spent most of her time practicing in Illinois, has abundant experience in gynecology, and is very dedicated to her patients. She listens to you, she performs very thorough examinations, then she explains to you her findings in a way that you will understand, then she will delineate the appropriate testing to confirm the diagnosis as needed, as well as the possible treatments. She is licensed to practice in both states, Illinois and Florida.

Experience the Difference of Our Women’s Healthcare Services

Industry Experience

Our professionals have an extensive background in women's healthcare.  Their knowledge allows us to provide more effective gynecological services for our patients.

Keen Attention to Detail

We listen carefully to your sexual health concerns to diagnose your condition and determine the best course of action to take.

Personalized Care

Our gynecologist works closely with you to find the most appropriate procedure to address your specific reproductive health concerns.

Contact Us for More Info

For additional details about our gynecology clinic and women’s healthcare services, feel free to get in touch with us today. It would be our pleasure to address your questions and concerns about us and what we have to offer. We look forward to hearing from you.